Friday, August 22, 2014

Close Encounters

The other evening we decided to have a family movie night at home.  The flick?

See the title of this entry.

This was the first time Geoana has seen this Spielberg-directed sci-fi picture and she's at an age now where the more intense scenes won't distress her much.

We did remind her of our visit to Devil's Tower back in 2009.  I refreshed her memory in that all of us "grown-ups" in the vehicle (the group consisted of four adults and two children), once we caught a glimpse of the Tower way off in the distance proceeded to get excited and yell:  "It's Devil's Tower!!  Look, look, Devil's Tower!"

She didn't understand our excitement then.

Now she does.

And when the closing credits began to roll she turned toward us and said, "I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now."

I get it.  She wanted (just like all of us) to know more about the aliens rather than have the movie end with Roy Neary getting on board.  However she still acknowledged that it's a rather fun movie to watch.

Since I'm thinking about the '09 trip I decided to let a few of our pictures do the rest of the talking.

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