Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Living in the real world

Little Geoana is a huge fan of Hannah Montana.

But she probably should not set her sights on going to the "HM" concert, which will hit town on November 9. Why? Because of this.

Geogal and I are just a couple of working stiffs. And we certainly do not feel the need to indulge our child's every whim. Fortunately for us, Geoana has not made any requests or demands to see Hannah Montana in concert--yet. Perhaps this will blow over without incident.

I just think it's early enough that we can tell the little one "no" to certain things. Geogal and I believe in some old-fashioned things, such as delayed gratification and the importance of working hard. Hopefully the two of us will have the fortitude to follow through on our convictions.

After all, Geogal and I still have not seen Steely Dan in concert and we're functioning OK.

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