Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Now It's November

The Powers That Be finally enacted the office move. Today was my first full day in the new digs and I spent it seeing snow fall through my (large) window. Most folks might get dysphoric over such a sight but I simply relished the ability to see the changing weather. (I've spent the last 3 1/2 years in an interior compartment at the mercy of refrigerated air and fluorescent lighting.) My routine was disrupted and jumped the track several times today but I'm sure I'll adjust in due time. Nothing like change to keep one's brain cells chugging.

Will the Texas-Texas A&M Thanksgiving game really become history? Possible. I know my Lone Star State kin aren't thrilled with this prospect. I'd invite them to converse with a few new friends I've made since relocating to Rural America. Nebraska Cornhusker fans. These are guys who truly know that the "N" on Nebraska's football helmets stands for "Nowledge." They would be happy to commiserate over the loss of football tradition and rivalry. It started some years ago when the Big 8 became the Big 12. Suddenly the annual Nebraska/Oklahoma game was played far less often. Then there was this year, where Nebraska and Colorado both defected to other conferences. So long to the traditional Thanksgiving weekend matchup. There's also the spectre of Missouri defecting to the SEC, which would put an end to the Border War (KU versus Missou-rah at Arrowhead Stadium). The times, they are a-changin'.


That's all for now. I'm bone-tired and already looking ahead to the weekend (problem is, it won't be a lazy one).

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