Friday, November 24, 2006

The Day After, and Questions Answered

Watched plenty of football over the past two days. I did eat turkey yesterday, although I may go ahead and let the "dirty little secret" out: Turkey is not my favorite food. Probably had something to do with being served bone-dry and flavor-lacking white meat pieces at numerous family holiday functions. But, as with most things to my 10-year-old mouth, the gustatory limitations were remedied by a dose of ketchup. I can still recall the disgust expressed by various relatives.

What made me think of that, I don't know.

Yet the dark meat turkey I ingested yesterday hit the spot. Moist, plenty of flavor, and the side dishes weren't bad, either.

And the Cowboys won.


How did those beef ribs from a couple of weekends ago turn out, you ask? Not bad. Six hours on the grill was just about right. For next time I will need to marinate them overnight, as the flavor was just superficial. I have to keep reminding myself that perfecting these dishes takes practice. Plus trial and error.

How was Mexico? Pretty good. Neither of us got sick. No problems with U.S. Customs. The transportation was wonderful (I would definitely use those folks again!). And it was nice to be "unplugged," just sitting on the balcony, reading. No iPod, no background music of any kind. And no going to the computer every half-hour to check on the latest news. I still must reveal that it was still nice to return home and have all of these gadgets at the ready.

No need to abandon the world we live in on a permanent basis. And no need to stay in that world 24/7/365.

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