Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Cure For February Doldrums

I've never much liked the second month of the year.  The holidays are long over, football season is nearly gone (it's hard for me to have much enthusiasm about the Super Bowl), I'm not the biggest fan of college hoops and the NBA holds zero interest for me.  

Plus it's cold.  Still the bitter cold of winter, not the easier, albeit still unpleasant, chill of late November or early April.  

So, how does one deal with the shortest month?  I think I stumbled upon the solution.  

Stay real busy.  


The month began with me in Colorado Springs.  Yes, it was business-related (who would go to the Springs in the dead of winter for pleasure?).  I've been to this shindig before but the past two times my much-better half was with me, and in 2010 the Geohouse went there as a family.  

Not so this time.  Just me and some colleagues.  All of the professional goo took place within the hotel so getting to things posed no problem.  

On previous trips we've seen some of the white stuff in the Springs but it was never any amount to cause concern.  

Yet the forecast not only for The Centennial State but also for our home area in NW Kansas was troubling.  Snow.  Not just a few inches here and there.  Lots of snow.  Blizzard warnings around home with the brunt happening the second day of my trip.  

Get to Colorado on Sunday with no problems.  The serious snow begins falling Monday evening and by Tuesday a.m. the whole area was under many inches of winter wonderland.  Most things closed.  People not being able to get out of their driveways, much less their neighborhoods.  

I'm more concerned with road conditions back on the homefront.  Conference is scheduled to end on Wednesday and I'd like to sleep in my own bed that night.  I'd rather not be delayed by closed roads.  

Using our modern technology I learn back home is getting hit hard.  Not only is there a significant amount of winter storm, but the wind makes a very bad situation worse.  Geogal texts me photos of the drifts just outside the front door.  

Not good.  

When Wednesday arrives, here's what our neighborhood looked like:

Thank you, city road crews!  

But still, I'm not sure about getting home.  Several of the roads I need are listed by KDOT as still closed.  

But that was the morning.  By midday everything was open, although slushy and snowcapped in places.  

Good thing my colleague and I snagged the only company vehicle that has 4WD capability.  

We leave just a little after noon.  Once we clear the Colo Springs metro area the clouds break and we're treated to bright sunshine.  Yet with the heavy snow and the often-treeless terrain of the eastern Colorado prairie if one looks in the right place you'd almost swear you were in the Arctic.  

We cross over into Kansas and the state crews have done their job well.  Roads in great condition!  

Make it home just a little after dark.  Despite the photos and written descriptions it's still shocking to see the extent of the blizzard.  Including our streets being one-lane, at best.  


Mid-month it's time for Snow Ball.  

The high school's semi-formal dance, open to all students.  (Prom is restricted to juniors and seniors.)  

Prior to that Saturday dance I was joking about hiding out in my camper.  You see, Geoana planned to have two friends over to get ready.  I wasn't about to hang around for that.  

First girl arrives.  Geoana looks straight at me and kindly requests I repair to my camper.  My joking was not forgotten.  

Turns out that banishment wasn't too bad.  Click on the furnace in the travel trailer, bring my MacBook Air, iPhone, K-cup brewer, some bottles of water, a good book and I'm ready to go.  

Then I get a text:  "Need you in here to make the mashed potatoes."  

All the young people in this particular group decided to have a meal at someone's house.  Parents divided up the victual responsibilities.  Us?  Mashed spuds and sweet corn.  

Turns out a good time was had by all.  Not only that, I think I put a good scare into my daughter's date.  Keep your hands to yourself, buster.  


And if that's not enough, how about two non-work, community-oriented endeavors?  Both requiring preparation.  Both needing a lot of teamwork.  Both giving me a high level of stress.  

Both occurring on the same weekend?  

One Friday evening, one Sunday afternoon.  

If you think I'm describing this past weekend, you're right.  

Sunday evening saw me relaxing at home, drinking something fermented.  

And now February is nearly outta here!!

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