Thursday, March 05, 2015

Time To Stop The Whining

Last post seemed to have quite a bit of that.

However checking the weather websites it seems I will get my wish.  Temps next week will be in the 60's and 70's with overnight lows not much below freezing.  Will feel much better than the 4 degrees outside temp this a.m.

And for other things...

Watched "Clueless" two Saturday nights ago.  We sometimes have difficulty with finding movies all three of us will enjoy.  Plus I haven't seen this flick since about 1995 or 96 so I didn't remember much of it.

I will, now, remember this line (spoken by the main character's father):  "If anything happens to my daughter, I got a .45 and a shovel.  I doubt anyone would miss you."

Highly likely some teenage boys in town will hear the same from my mouth.

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