Tuesday, September 09, 2014

You know I had to....

I haven't watched the entire Apple keynote from earlier today.  Hope to do that within the next day or two. 

Nice to see Apple doing what they do so well--recreating a product that you didn't know you wanted or needed until they roll it out. 

Over supper tonight I showed the Apple Watch introductory video (from Apple's own site) to Geogal and Geoana.  The 10-minute little film wasn't even over before Geoana stated she wants a Watch. 

And then Geogal posed to her Facebook that she was thinking of getting a Fitbit but will now wait for the Apple Watch to hit the market. 

For me?  The nerds in Cupertino introduced some more cool gadgets today however I am content to still purchase a Macbook Air and possibly follow that with an iPad mini. 

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