Monday, January 30, 2006

So many topics, so little time

It is a creed of writers that the frequent challenge in putting pen to paper (or in my case, fingers to keyboard) is not a matter of what to write, but what not to write. Novelists, of course, can avoid this conundrum by making their tomes 500-600 pages but the journalist, short-story author, and blogger do not have this luxury.

Do I reflect on this piece about rethinking and reframing your occupation?

What about weighing in on what is happening in the Middle East, particularly with Hamas winning elections? No, I'll skip that one. There's about 300 other bloggers who will offer better analysis than I could.

For today I'll choose topic "C," a discussion I had with Geoana this morning before I took her to preschool. She watched an episode of "Rugrats" that dealt with the wonderful experience of receiving injections at the doctor's office. She wanted me to explain why shots were necessary and what they were all about. In my wise fatherly way I attempted to define the concept of diseases and how medications that are available to us in the present day keep her and I from contracting these illnesses. She must have been satisfied with my explanation as she then focused her attention on preparing to leave for school. I took just a moment and realized my little pride and joy is growing not only in the visible physical way but also in her mind and intellect are now in full gear.

I'll talk to Geogal about this, but I think it's time we start teaching the little one about the value of money and having her earn some.

Yes I am a proud father. And Geoana is actually pretty good about getting shots.

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