Sunday, March 13, 2016

Keeping Alive Two Saturday Traditions

Yesterday Geogal and I had the pleasure of attending one of Geoana's forensic competitions.  

It was our first one.  The child takes after her father in that she doesn't care to have family observe her in action.  At least not until she's perfected her craft.  

Afterward we all headed home after brief stopovers at J.C. Penney and Home Depot (gotta take advantage of being in civilization).  Shopping complete we hit the highway for home.  

Since I was driving I had final say over which channel we listen to on the satellite radio.  Sun was setting and I needed something to keep my brain engaged so I chose "Radio Classics."

About halfway into our trip home their normal Saturday night show began.  "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar."  Radio Classics plays all five episodes of one storyline to close out the week.  

We first heard this when we were heading home from a BB Gun shoot on the other side of the state, this would be around 2 years ago.  While writing this I asked the female members of my household if I was accurate on my recollection.  

I was.  They refreshed my memory well about our several-hours-long road trip including the necessity of listening to "Johnny Dollar" to keep us alert when the Saturday became Sunday.  And to keep an eye out for the deer that like to frequent the highway after dark.  

Then the following year we again were treated to this program when heading to Sioux City, Iowa after a very long day in Minnesota.  I wrote about it in this entry.  

Last night we only caught the first two segments before arriving home.  So I guess we'll never know who was trying to off ol' Johnny in the Massachusetts fishing village.  

But since we were home it was time (after unloading the food and non-food items) to sit in front of the idiot box and catch Me-TV's Saturday broadcast of Star Trek.  

"The Devil In The Dark."  Worth the watch.  

Might as well keep two traditions going.  Too bad we weren't home early enough to watch "Batman."  

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