Friday, June 08, 2007

Hog Heaven

Just this morning I was at the gym, whiling away the time on the eliptical while my iPod pumped a recent Dave Ramsey podcast into my eardrums. One of the e-mail questions he fielded during that hour had to do with how he and his wife ate during the time they were serious about getting out of debt. I won't go into detail about Ramsey's answer, suffice to say he does not care for tunafish even to this day. He did stress the importance of eating at home as much as possible, making the point that in most restaurant settings, 80% of your dollar goes to entertainment while the other 20% goes to the actual food cost.

In most restaurant settings. Not all.

Tonight, we in the Geohouse decided to eat out. BBQ. A place called Waldo's, which opened a location closer to us (cut about 8 miles off the trip to the original location).

Even though I heard what Ramsey said, this eating establishment was one of the exceptions. I don't think I could ever make ribs that good, even if I had the best equipment. Money well spent.

And we paid cash! (See, we do heed Ramsey's advice.)

Little Geoana did well with the wait. Makes me remember a trip in my much younger days, to a fine restaurant called Hausner's. If I recall correctly, it was in Baltimore. Hmmm, let's see.

It was in Baltimore. But it exists no longer. (Look at the entry about a third of the way down the page.) I recall the wait for the table was a long one to my six or seven-year-old mind. Yet the burger and fries I ended up consuming was worth the wait. It had to be burger and fries. I ate little else at the time.

And what did Geoana eat at the BBQ joint? Burger and fries.

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