I didn’t intend to go on hiatus these past several weeks. However….
While on a college-visit-tour-vetting-how-much-money-will-this-cost sojourn in July I got a call from my supervisor. Just seeing the name on the caller ID took my BP up many notches as no one wants to get a call from work while out on PTO.
I won’t go into details but the news involved significant changes with my employer. Only now is the dust beginning to clear but one result was a significantly high level of stress during July and August. I also was occupied with paperwork and other required tasks, all of which served to suck away not only time but also my creative juices.
Then last week I had an epiphany: What if returning to writing has a therapeutic effect?
Many adults are aware of the healing power of journaling. What if I do the same, especially here in my “online journal?”
I decided it certainly couldn’t hurt.
So my commitment for September is to do several entries during the month. Perhaps not daily but more than one per week. And as always, there’s no limits with my subject matter. Could be sports-related, a summation of a road trip or even the discovery of a new (to me) eatery. I’ve got several topics lined up. So thank you for returning to Bucolic Blogger.
Heck, I even started the process last week when I updated the theme and picture. Hope you enjoy the “Eastern Kansas” scenery.
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