Sunday, July 22, 2018

And now, a little kitsch

I'll pause briefly from my writings about broadcasting (television in particular) to mention this next subject.  

Geogal brought to my attention a few days ago that the house used in the exterior shots of "The Brady Bunch" is on the market.  

I'm well aware the establishing shots were done sometime in 1969, no doubt after the pilot was accepted and the series green-lit.  I also know the "second story" window was fake, nailed on to portray the house as a two-story (although true BB fans will quickly tell you the exterior view in no way matches the layout of the house as done on the soundstage).  

I finally got a chance to see the domicile for myself in either 1996 or 97.  Geogal even snapped a photo of me out front, now I've got to shuffle through our bin of prints to find it.  

Yet I've always wondered what the true house actually looked like on the inside.  Thanks to Zillow one can see how the house overall, while well-kept, is rather dated.  However I'm particularly impressed with the backyard and overall this dwelling looks oodles better than many family structures approaching 60 years.  

And it can be mine for just a little short of two million!  Zillow estimates my mortgage would set me back about 7,600 each month....

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