Saturday, February 10, 2018

Let's Get Caught Up

So much about which to write, where do I start? 

Why don't I begin with an explanation, if not a full-fledged mea culpa about me being so dilatory about writing and posting here.  First, as family is aware, we did make a significant life change in 2017 (relocating to Manhattan Kansas from Norton Kansas) and the subsequent and inevitable adjusting and settling involves time and energy.  These can take away from my creative mojo.  Second, we downsized in square footage and I now no longer have a dedicated computer/writing/wasting-time-on-the-Internet space.  I am writing this piece while seated at the kitchen table.  I believe, as is the case with many writers/authors, that I can only tap-tap away my prose while NOT in the presence of others.  Third, my stress level these last few months escalated into a "poor me" mindset which, along with the aforementioned, resulted in me spending my mental energy on things other than writing.  To be sure, my work-related stress decreased significantly since my job change and I view that as a strong positive.   

However none of these mean I am at a loss for material here, nor do any of these need to make a permanent impact with the result being this blog amongst the countless others that are abandoned, yet still are out there for all to see.  I have no intentions of letting my blog die and, in fact, I can set a goal for more entries this year with more variety.  I still have plenty to say.  

So--get on with it!!  (Me thinks of the crowd yell in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail.")   

Christmas?  Low-key.  I noticed, about a week before the big day, that we would not be able to continue a tradition in our home.  No, nothing that was passed down through the generations since our forebears came over from the "old country."  The tradition of which I speak is quite modern and secular:  watching TBS's "A Christmas Story" marathon.  While we never sat in front of the idiot box for the full 24 hours, it provided great entertainment and good background noise for Christmas eve night, especially after we returned home from the Christmas Eve church service.  I noted in an earlier entry that we cut the cord when moving to this locale, so no TBS.  

Solution? Simple.  Target had the Blu-Ray for only $13 so we ended up watching the flick and enjoying the lack of commercial breaks.  

This also was the first Christmas in years where I didn't prepare prime rib for the holiday meal.  We agreed to join forces with our friends J&J and I defrosted and baked a smoked ham, the last thing Geogal and I had left from our half-hog purchased back in Norton.  Great meat, great company and it was nice not to have to make (and clean up) the entire meal.  

Was it a white Christmas?  I can say yes.  The night before Christmas Eve day we had an offering of the white stuff.  I snapped a pic in the morning:  

Pretty, ain't it?

Cord-cutting?  I'll elaborate much more in a future entry.  However the Geohousehold overall isn't missing the TV offerings.  During the fall there were times I wished I had access to the ESPN networks but soon learned to adjust and simply enjoy the college football games available on ABC, CBS and Fox.  

Old Man Winter?  We're tolerating it.  Just as we do each winter.  While many will say eastern Kansas has less severe winters than the western half, some days I've begged to differ.  Freakin' cold is freakin' cold, regardless of where you live.  

Makes you wonder why we are looking at Minnesota as a place to permanently settle?  

Oh yes, that's a whole other entry, too.  

Stay tuned. 

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