As I wrapped up the entries about the Mexico mission trip I went over notes (mental and written) about future entries. The following are what's taking up space in my noggin.
A Tough Question
At last month's 4H meeting the opening question was: If you could be someone for one day, who would it be?
Geoana's answer was Beyonce.
Who would I choose?
I thought about this one for some time. The one day limit eliminates anyone whose lifestyle I envy because even if I choose someone who's perpetually on the "very wealthy persons" list you can only do so much in one day.
I pick Tim Cook. Not for the purpose of enjoying his wealth (which he doesn't even seem to do much given he's a notorious workaholic). No, more so for the reason that in one day I can learn about everything coming down the Apple development pipeline.
There is one drawback to this concept. Once that day is done I won't be pleasantly surprised by Apple's offerings in future keynote presentations. For many years.
That might send me back to the proverbial drawing board.
However I just can't think of anyone else. During the Texas family visit I mentioned this to my sister and her brood. Got some interesting answers including sports figures.
I still don't know. I guess Cook wins by default.
Maybe I need to develop a more interesting life.
I checked the weather forecast in early April and decided to take a chance and de-winterize the camper.
So far, so good. I think we're done with the freezing temps for this season. And it's gratifying to know the on-the-fly winterizing Geogal and I executed in the dealer's parking lot worked just fine.
I plan at least one trip in May. A short one, one of those leave-Friday-after-work and return on Sunday afternoon. I don't know yet the destination for a longer summer sojourn.
But that's part of the fun. Heck, I might just get a map and a yardstick and see what develops.
My surgery scar is healing just fine. The glue finally dried up and fell off so my face looks much more like normal. Also just about everyone who's curious has asked me about my facial issue so I don't have much explaining to do these days.
See you next time!
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