(Dear readers: I intended to have this entry ready last night as I wish to post an item every day this week. However Geoana took a tumble in the shower and wound up at the E.R. I stayed at home but obviously couldn't concentrate on writing at that time. The good news is nothing is broken, she just has scrapes and contusions. Ibuprofen does her a lot of good.)
Since we had a few days to prepare and since we knew what we were facing I had hopes this next trip would hold fewer surprises. Or none at all.
I ripped several movies off of DVD and imported them into my iPod Touch. (It's actually my old iPhone 4 but since I've upgraded the device I decided to make good use of the 32 gigs therein.) I also got a book from the library (a C.J. Box standalone novel I have not yet read) and filled the backpack with it and several magazines.
We also brought paper plates and plastic cutlery in anticipation of not eating every meal at a restaurant. The hotel in which we would stay does not have kitchenettes but does include a small refrigerator in each room.
So on Sunday morning, the 27th of July we again start out for the land of 10,000 lakes. (During the previous trip a local told me that there are more than ten thousand lakes in Minnesota, he said they just got tired of naming them once they hit the ten-grand threshold.) We got on the road at an early hour, stopped at Big City Burrito in Kearney for the best breakfast burrito I have had since moving from Arizona (gotta love chorizo!) and generally had a leisurely drive into the state of tall corn. Took a brief side trip into Ames to see the Iowa State University campus. Mighty pretty. Much more green and reminiscent of Austin, Texas than I would have expected.
Useless Geoguy-specific trivia: I now have been in every Big 12 school town/city save one (Morgantown, West Virginia).
Monday morning, and medical procedure takes place. No complications, no issues. Again, given that we've been to this area already there's a lot less desire to walk walk walk and say, "Let's see this."
Tuesday is a day of rest. Gals go clothes shopping and I walk to a nearby gun shop. Don't find much save for a used Bushnell scope that ought to work well for deer hunting. I pick it up for $30. Then I find ammunition for a very decent price at Mills Fleet Farm.
Wednesday we again rise early and make the trek back to the Land of Dorothy. Drove straight through this time. Took in a late lunch at Cabela's in Omaha. It also is there that I finally pull the trigger (pun intended) and purchase a deer rifle. I will have more on that in another entry.
So now we get to be homebodies for a while. Just in time to ring in the month of August.
I can't help teasing Geogal and telling her that it's just for scenarios like this that I should take flying lessons. She doesn't see the humor.
Sure would make the journey a lot faster...
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