Friday, November 29, 2013

Past and future gifts

Black Friday is just about gone and I don't think the Geohouse occupants did any real damage. 

I couldn't help but notice Geogal was sound asleep in our warm bed come 5:00 this morning.  So much for her big talking about going to our local retailer to pick up a doorbusters special for the child. 

Speaking of gifts I had my birthday last month and thankfully Geogal didn't just give me a card with the inscription:

Dear Geoguy, our getaway to California was your birthday gift!!     XXOO  

Nope.  Instead she picked up on some obvious hints and I wound up with a Mr. Coffee K-Cup brewer (been wanting one for my office since the coffee to be had in our breakroom amounts to little more than hot water with a few brown crayons dipped in it).  I'm enjoying such a device on these chilly days.  Just this morning I had a wonderful cup of Joe (this stuff).

Also in my haul of b-day presents was a Kindle Paperwhite.  Nice to have a reader that is easy on my aging eyes.     Right now I'm reading Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs. 

So what might come from ol' Santa?  Watch for the next entry. 

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