Depends on if I have anything meaningful to say/write tomorrow.
Now on to other things. We did have a white Christmas, courtesy of a winter storm that dropped a few inches of the snowy stuff on our burg just a little less than a week before opening the presents. And then Mother Nature decided to give us her own little gift on the Big Day in the form of another dusting. Just enough to cover up the slushy-then-frozen-again glop that was prominant in the streets. Since last week the temps have hovered somewhere between 0 and 20 so not much of this wintry mix has melted off. Makes driving interesting in some areas. Fortunately I have two vehicles that are equipped with four-wheel-drive so the slippy slide isn't much of a problem.
Yes, 'tis the last day of the regular NFL season. Yawn. I'm already wondering which coaches will be pink-slipped tomorrow. ESPN is already reporting Andy Reid will be shown the door. I'm supposing Norv Turner will be added to the list as well (if he isn't than that is definitive proof he has incriminating photos of someone or someones up in the high levels of the Chargers organization). Rex Ryan probably will not go which is a major mystery to me. And, since Al Davis has gone to that great owner's box in the sky I presume the Raiders' coach (whoever that is) is safe for now. Jason Garrett? Maybe.
And on the subject of football I am looking very much forward to the Cotton Bowl. Like I told someone a few days ago, it's not the Red River Rivalry but the fact remains Texans and Oklahomans simply do not like each other much.
And sorry, my purple K-State friends. I just don't think Collin Klein and company will be able to keep up with the pace of Oregon. The rest of the bowls? Naaagh, who cares?
However I did get quite a laugh over seeing yesterday's New Era Pinstripe We Had To Come Up With Some Creative Name Because Seriously Who Would Have Ever Thought Teams Would Want To Play Here In December Bowl, which featured wonderful Big Apple wintery weather replete with snow showers. Just wait long enough and you might see the same thing for bowls in Boise, Albuquerque, Washington D.C., and even Charlotte, North Carolina.
Hell, I'm still waiting for a group of civic leaders to announce the creation of the (insert corporate sponsor name here) Mile High Bowl to be played every December in Denver. It could happen.
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