Sunday, March 04, 2012

Come on spring, SPRING!

I'd like to begin this entry with "spring has sprung" but I know better.

Sure, the tulips in the front flower bed are sprouting upward, a few weeds are already making their presence known, and we're getting more daylight.  However this is March and we've learned that around these parts winter can still make a nasty appearance before May rolls around.

Plus I know spring won't even be official until March 21 or 22, whenever the vernal equinox takes place.

Still this morning was a nice surprise.  I went out to warm up the truck and was struck by how, well, mild the temps are this a.m.  Bright sunshine greeted me as well.  Didn't need to start up the vehicle and let it idle for a few.

I plan to enjoy it while I can.  Am planning to spend more time in the backyard today, get the garden ready for planting.  In truth, it's just the grown-up way of saying I want to play in the dirt.


Our family is quite a sight right now.  You already know about Geoana being on crutches.  Add to that Geogal struggling with her thyroid-related achiness then include my recent issue with (what we believe is) sciatic nerve pain.

We just don't get around easily like we used to.

For me, at least, ibuprofen and Naprosyn help take the edge off.

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