Monday, July 18, 2011

Skip if you're not a computer/gadget nerd

To follow up on a previous entry:

Sure enough, Apple announced both iWeb and iDisk are coming to an end with the rollout of iCloud and phasing out of MobileMe.

And to add further pressure I talked to Geodad recently. He made note of the aforementioned entry in which I indicated a possible interest in web design.

Now I've got REAL pressure to not only migrate my other site to another provider but also to make new pages that are aesthetically pleasing.

Sounds like a project for the upcoming winter season.


While we were on vacation Geogal learned Netflix is raising its rates. She had an initial negative howl but I countered with the facts that the increase in rates will only mean about $4 a month more for us. Yes, she's returning to school and leaving her place of employ soon so money will be a little more tight but I think we can manage. Still can't beat Netflix's library. (Don't EVEN try to tell me Crackle is a viable alternative and keep a straight face while doing so!)


Am I excited about Spotify and Google+?



Last week's journey was the first camping trip in which we had a full-fledged iOS device with us (the venerable iPhone). Useful? Heck, yes! Worth its cost? Yes! Just being able to check the local weather alone made the thing indispensable (our campground's Wi-Fi was rather hit-and-miss).

Geogal also likes being able to get on the Net to check the weather ahead of us, by way of using the 3G signal. Sure couldn't do that with her iPod Touch.

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