Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Halloween, and what do I say?

Gaaagh! Not "TorT." I've had enough of that this evening anyway. I'm holding down the fort while Geogal takes little Geoana out for the neighborhood candy run.

Been away for a while, and no, I'm not dead. Not even ailing.

Just real busy. Between Geogal starting her new job and the bustle of everyday life, combined with busy evenings due to external commitments, time becomes a valuable commodity.

What do I write about?

Roasting green chile in one's own oven? Because it's raining outside? Fun, that's how we spent the better part of one recent Saturday.

The University of Texas Longhorns beating Oklahoma (the same day we roasted green chile) and becoming Number One in the nation?

Or me making a business trip to North Texas, driving through Sooner Country? (When the sign said "Norman city limits," I turned to my traveling companion and confessed: "I feel dirty.")

Lute Olson suddenly retiring from the Ewe Ofay? And watching the basketball team implode? (Lute was great in his time, but his time has long passed. The Wildcats continue to get invited to the Big Dance not because they earned it over the course of a season, but because of who they once were. That's just not right. Maybe this season they will finally come crashing back to earth--translation: NIT.)

The preparations for a Barack Obama presidency? The less I say about that, the better.

The fact that it snowed here last week? (It was a wonderful feeling to go to bed and not know what awaited us when we awoke. The forecasters had everything from 1-2 inches to a blizzard warning for our area. Final result: we got about three-fourths of an inch. But hey, gotta start somewhere. I bought a snow shovel.)

Incidentally, the family members got e-mailed a picture of the Geohouse in the midst of a winter wonderland.

My ongoing TV antenna project? Still ongoing. I'm going to Nebraska tomorrow to find some stakes. I need something to anchor the tower I picked up for nothing.

How I was in the Dallas-Fort Worth area during the four worst days-in-a-row the Cowboys have ever had? (Lose to the Cardinals, Romo out, Pacman suspended, all-around cruddy crap.) But at least I got to spend some time with people who actually talk normal. (No one there makes fun of my occasional Texas accent.)

Two nights of hard freeze and my front lawn keeps growing? Go dormant, grass!

So what do I have to say? A little of everything.

But something inside me, deep down in me, needs a recharge. I don't know what, I don't know how. But if I keep at it, maybe my bone-deep weariness will subside.

Perhaps returning to regular blogging will help.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Houston's loss

I'm not referring to the Astros or Texans.

I'm talking about Ray Miller, from "The Eyes of Texas." I can still remember the staccato drumming and the letters T-E-X-A-S going individually on the screen so fast you couldn't help but pay attention.

He died a couple of weekends ago. Here is the obligatory newspaper story, but a better set of tributes can be read here.

First Ron Stone, now Ray Miller. Local TV icons of my past are departing the scene.

Yes, I know full well the blogging is scarce these days. Blame several days of numerous visitors to Geohouse Kansas. When one is a talented cook sometimes these things happen.