Further adventures with the new toy.
First, decided to get the Apple Airport Express to create a wireless network in the house. It worked perfectly, save for the fact it is not a router. Which meant we still could have only one computer on the Internet at a time. (For those of you who are scratching their heads, we have a Wintel PC and the new MacBook. Therefore the PC is not wireless, unless I wanted to splurge for a wireless card which isn't going to happen...)
Easy enough solution, right? Pack up the Express, return to the Apple Store, get a refund and buy an Airport Extreme, which IS a router.
Except they were sold out of the Extreme and would not have more in stock until October.
The MacBook is still without a wireless connection, unless I want to be a dishonest, law-breaking Bad Person and use one of the neighbor's wireless network that they left unsecured. Nope, won't be doing that.
I'll just wait, as I, and the rest of the Geo family, will be on the road in a few days.
But I'll bring the MacBook, and an Ethernet cable to boot, to take advantage of the hotel's Internet options. And one of my projects today will involve seeing how well my digital camera will talk to the MacBook.
Maybe I will do some blogging (with pictures!) while on the road.